Private dining table at Corrigan's Mayfair

Yorkshire Pudding Day

Celebrate the British Yorkshire Pudding Day!

Yorkshire pudding is one of the most iconic British dishes, having millions of fans all around the world due to its light and airy texture and rich, warming taste.

If you have never tried this excellent dish, here are a few facts to show its glorious achievements in human history to convince you to give it a try:

Yorkshire pudding has not only one but two designated days: while British celebrate the British Yorkshire Pudding Day on the first Sunday of February each year, the rest of the world has another day for it in October called the National Yorkshire Pudding Day.

This traditional food wormed it’s way into the Book of Guinness World Records with its unbelievable size of 46.46 m² in 1996. Furthermore, since Yorkshire Pudding is usually served as an unmissable part of roast dinners, it’s also worth mentioning that it was eaten by 1,632 people in the same time at the largest roast dinner in 2009.

After revealing its greatness, it might not sound surprising that Corrigan’s Mayfair is preparing with some special dishes to pay tribute to the big day.

Now how should we celebrate this special national food? There is no better way to warm up the cold winter days then gathering with our friends or family and spend time together around the dinner table with a lovely Sunday roast and a big golden Yorkshire pudding on the side – obviously.

This year, the British Yorkshire Pudding Day falls on the 5th February so dust off your aprons!